
KONY 2012 is so sneeaaaky

It is apparent that the US and UN are using Invisible Children (and the children affected/influenced by them) as a front to invade Africa. One obvious motive: China has been in Africa buying up resources for 15 years. 

Everyone else is behind on the rat race to dominate Africa.  "This is the new neo-colonial government. Why are they so desperate?...when you have to use kids to fast-track a foreign intervention policy, there is a reason behind this. The reason they are desperate ...is because they are 15 years behind China in Africa, while we've been diddling around in the Middle East" says Patrick Henningsen at 32:33 on the above video. (It's long, but worth the listen. Bake some cookies or something while you listen:)

This information needs to get loud. Let's make it viral: tweet/facebook/blog ignorance away. Always research what you are told. Question what I am telling you now (it could also be part of the plan -- why not build your own conspiracy theories which actually drive people to support the actual and final plan?) Don't believe 'til you can see a bigger picture and start to notice patterns. And even then always question your perception, always question your society and environment. Take nothing for granted. Let's stay enlightened and committed to sharing intelligent love.

the kony 2012 propaganda video:

rethinking aids

Red Ice Radio is a show hosted by Henrik Palmgren.  He interviews lots of different people in scientific, philosophical, historical, and many other fields.  This show in particular is very interesting:  David Crowe talks about AIDS and how appears to be  fabricated/manipulated for pharmaceutical profit rather than out of actual concern for anyone's health.  
This is a common pattern in our current health system: the making and keeping of sick people is highly profitable. 
Stay alert and stay healthy!  Eat lots of veggies and keep your meat intake low (it's incredible to me that I grew up eating meat at almost every meal when it would have been much better to have it a couple times a week and more raw veggies instead).  And as much as possible, don't trust the doctor without doing your own research.



feat. tang, sage, abalone shell/fossil rocks, green tea, and homemade diaries